9/11 A date that we should never forget!
I personally can never forget 9/11 for two reasons!
But before I get started, I want you to understand something first.
Too often people have developed so called elective hearing and visions. Meaning to say, they often willingly receive information that pleases them, yet, they reject truth and cling to what suits their fancy. We can see this on the internet where millions of people are able to give their own personal opinions regarding everything under the sun. Yet, often what they are conveying has no weight to it. Meaning to say, they did not verify the source. It’s just their own opinion, and this my friends, is where trouble comes into play! The Bible tells us this, a fool is known by the many words that comes out of their mouth.
I am talking about people who put you on blast because you don’t agree with them and their mixed-up ideology. Such folk are the devils’ children, and they have no divine direction. So, every word that comes out of their mouth will be a lie or a half truth. Therefore, people who are on this island do not understand that their freedom came at a cost. That price was paid with the blood of soldiers who have given their lives on the line everyday so that you and I can feel the effects of freedom. Example: we enjoy the peace of mind without the fear of war knocking at our door! However, because many people out in the world with self-induced amnesia have allowed themselves to be manipulated by other sources, such as the media, false leaders in the church, Congress, and even in the White House. What am I saying? The people who serve in the military do not deserve any form of rejection from the people whom they willfully protect every day. None of us should ever call anyone in the military baby killers or treat them in any negative way. They have proven their value! Foolish people with their own selfish opinions have no right to repudiate our soldiers. So many people cry and complain when they get robbed or their homes are broken into, so they call the cops. However, in many cases, they don’t really care about you or your property. Please get this. I’m not telling you that all police officers are bad, but if you are a person of color, then you know that the cops are not only not friendly, but millions are haters of black people and other minorities. There is no denying that this corruption starts from the head and trickles down into the police that whale the beat. This is a clearly seen and a felt fact in the black community.
Our soldiers fight for us all, and they don’t hide what they do. Again, they follow orders handed down to them to carry out without question. Listen, here is what the police do not do. They do not prevent foreign governments and their armies from coming to the USA to kill us. 9/11 is pure proof of that. Yet, those remaining corrupt police and their leadership are still killing us even after some of them have been caught. Even until this day others have been killed while some are still being hurt by the police.
The point? They don’t fight for our rights. Once again, I am compelled to tell you and to reiterate that the men and women who serve this nation do it willingly and on a daily basis. With this being a firm fact, who are you to call them names? The Bible tells us that we are to give honor to whom honor is due. So, when have we done that for our military and meant it? Stay with me, I’m going somewhere. Listen, and please get this point! War is never going to be nice; it’s about killing. what part don’t you get?
The dictionary says this: War: a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state. In a war, no one is thinking, “Oh, I hope that no babies get hit by these thousand bullets that were just fired in all directions.”
People! wake up!! The enemy doesn’t care about your children or your babies. Their goal is to kill!
Yet in the USA people want to say, “Oh those poor children were killed by our soldiers. Listen, water boarding, and other ways used to extract information from our enemies is part of the war process. My friends this has been going on for many years. Which means, people will be killed, and the innocent are simply called collateral damage. Listen, let me ask you this. If you see five armed men coming to your house, and you know they are not from this country, and you have a gun, and you do not defend your family, you my friend are a nut. If you do not try to defend your family, they will be killed because that crew has one objective. Kill anything that moves. Now in a situation like this, the outcome will be kill or be killed. Once more Justice demands that I tell you again, we are living a free lifestyle at the hands of others. Our soldiers deserve our respect. What they did or did not do was because they were ordered to do so. In this realm, they are not accountable for their actions. You must remember this, and I can’t say it enough, they were following the government’s orders! And we know how messed up the government can be, when the wrong people are in office. So, whatever they did, even those that lost have lost their minds and did terrible things, it was because the war did that to them. Listen, people are not natural killers, but our military is.
They are purposely trained to kill. That’s what they do well, but again, they too, pay a price. This sometimes comes in the form of a mental disorder, a lost body part, and some come back badly burned. So, before you become a person who passes judgment on our protectors, you need to ask yourself who am I willing to die for? Never forget, they did not do this to themselves. You need to accept this truth and show them some respect!
Do you know what it’s like to be set on fire and left to be burned alive? No, you don’t! Nor do you care to think on these mind-blowing effects that this has on our soldiers. It really infuriates me when people place shame on our military. Do you not know that these Warriors have wives and children who are wounded by the stupid words that come out of the mouth of selfish people? Again, you are free because of what others did and are continually doing to protect us all. So, now I can get to 9/11.
The Bible says this:
God Predetermines the Events of Life!
And He said in His word,
There is a time to kill, die and heal.
On 9/11 the enemy chose to dole out what they thought was a devastating blow to the USA. It worked well and many people were killed, and some were saved. Part of the plan was to cripple us, and the other part of the scheme was to let the world know from al-Qaeda and the Taliban, who call themselves the true Muslims, that they proclaimed that they are the only race that the Bible says should be in control of this earth and that everyone else are the Infidels and must be wiped out. When the two planes hit the world trade center, the people in that country were dancing in the streets. With all the media coverage, no one on those earth cannot say that they were not infuriated with that footage. The point? You cannot have peace with any nation that has war in their heart. The Bible tells all whom can hear its truth. Even when a man’s words are sweet as honey, there is war in his heart. We are in a Spiritual war but not many people can see it. Nevertheless, it is so. If we cannot respect our God, neither will be able to respect our Military people, our real heroes.
Numbers 33:55
But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.
War is to eliminate any threat
I pray that these words have blessed you to the point you now want to seek God and all He has to give.
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