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 Your own shadow may be the only thing you can see as you follow God's will.

 Enter ye in at  the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to distrution, and many there be which go in thereat. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it {Matthew 7:13,14}.

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As a family you need to deal with the truth.


Then you can deal with the families’ dysfunctions by faith.

I would like to try and enlighten my family to the truth regarding family and life. In this crazy world we are living in, what can happen will manifest itself in many forms. As reality does its thing, some of us can become disillusioned. In this quandary, evil spirits dwell and carryout demonic deeds on all unprotected souls. Anyone of us caught in this trap are now susceptible to becoming disillusioned and confused as to what the truth really is verses what we want it to be. Listen, if God is not in our lives and allowed to work through us, we can never become productive family members. Yet, what we will become are foolish people who are always walking in a circle that leads to nowhere.

Man’s goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way. {Proverbs 21:24}

As the word of God has just revealed to you, it’s impossible to have a clear direction or know who you really are unless He is your divine guide. Meaning to say: if you are not attached to His VINE Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, well then, you must acquire an idle mind. Then you will constantly seek all attachments and become replete with drama and fury as a System you want to live by. Then such folk will require an audience to feed their insecurities. This world is now fickle and very transparent but without wisdom and morals.This sinful world freely offers lifestyles at the speed of light. The façade they present to others are like lightning that flashes in the distance, and then dissipates, and some of our own lives are just like that. We want others to love us and respect us, yet we won’t allow our own selves the opportunity to encounter an option that considers us for the same measure. Some of us flamboyantly posture ourselves to others because such people want everyone to know that they are sexy- rich -pretty- smart-talented, or the latest fad is, “I am anointed for the word of the Lord.” Yet deep inside of them, they know that they are nothing but a lie rogue by the devil they worship. He keeps them blinded and allows them to see and hear other fake souls and their words which will be received as the gospel truth, so they live their lives according to every word and action coming from the trickster. It’s the gospel for their ears. In this maze of deprivation, they seek out all avenues that will bring them notoriety. Then they will use this platform to posture themselves as something they are not. Social media has become the sounding board that they vibe off. Such people show off their bodies inappropriately and call it, “It’s my life, and I will do as I please.” Too often people hide behind a mask, which allows them to be whatever they are at that moment in time. Ultimately the motivation behind them is misdirection. Because they are confused and lost, no one wants to become friends with them, nor can some or all their family members want to deal with their mixed bag of foolishness.

Many times, when people ponder about their lives and they see something they don’t like, some will conjure up a character that they themselves can deal with just so they can function. Listen, I viewed an article somewhere, that a woman wanted a baby so bad, she convinced herself she was with child. Regardless to the fact that a few Doctors told her she was not pregnant she kept the belief that she's going to deliver a baby. She was so taken by her own lie that she began to show signs like swollen feet and pains. But after the nine months no child was entering this world. The point is this, when you have convinced yourself of something long enough, you can develop some kind of a sign, but the end will be nothing more than your mind playing tricks on you. I need you to digest this section before I can move on. Is that ok? When a family member has been hurt by another member not of that side of the family, and they have never gotten over the past infractions, then they take it out on the ones who do show some affection. When the person who was wounded doesn’t seek out help, then that relationship too shall be destroyed. Help is needed to relieve the one who was wounded, and anyone who is judgmental is not qualified to intervene on their behalf because they also are tainted. The word say this:

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull out the mote of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. {Matthew 7:3-5}

Concerning a family member, this means you need to get some sort of family counseling, because it’s the only way to find the root causes to the disruptions. Others in the family who have their own issues cannot help you. Listen, if there are any family members who have a need to:

• Cuss you out

• Fight with you

• Lie on you all the time

• Sleep with your husband, wife, or children

• If everything that comes out of their mouth is the gospel truth, but you are never right about anything

• If you won’t listen to the advice of the older members of the family

• If they are criminals with no mind to change their actions

• Is a drug addict who won’t listen to reason

Anyone with any of these traits can never be trusted, nor can they every give you any advice. however, we must love them even if it’s from a distance, because they are family, and family is all we have in this world. Trust me on this; many of the people you think are your friends are your enemy. Now concerning the truth that many family members won’t accept this is but one reason why the Lord must be instituted into your daily life. Counselors have limited directions that they can try to usher you into. Now God, He can stop all the pain and the confusion for good. I know this is long but bear with me. This is only part one. This is not an easy subject to deal with quickly. Love covers a multitude of faults! God so loved this world with all its foolery, but still He sent us His best in the form of a son, Jesus Christ. Even though we are not worthy of it, He still took a chance on us. With this being a firm fact, well then, we too ought to have the same desire to want to do our best and at least try to intervene on the behalf of a wayward sibling. Trust me, I know firsthand how hard it can be; but nothing beats a failure but a try. I myself have been lied on; yet I did not stop loving the ones who were constantly hurting me. However, I did have to keep my distance. The Bible says this: Love covers a multitude of faults. This means no matter what you say or do I must forgive you and try to keep open the family doorway. Ok, let me show you what can be done when God is living in a person. I was a victim in Katrina and all around me was devastation. A few of my family members called me and told me that they had collected a large sum of money and a lot of food and articles, and they needed my address so they could get the much-needed help to me. Ok, the sad part. It’s been more than seven years, and I have never received anything from them. But hear this: The Lord kept me and one of my daughters. Despite seeing all the people standing in line just to get a little something to eat and drink, we were provided three meals a day and had all the water we needed and a place to sleep. The point: God provided. The family provided me with nothing but lies. Was I devastated? Yes, I was, but because I am a new creature in Christ; I forgave them all. Yet, I maintained my distance from them. However, when I received any information regarding them and their health, I prayed, and they were delivered from whatever hands that bound them. Now, they don’t know that truth, but it is so. What I need you to see is the fact that it is the Spirit that lives inside of me; through my yielding myself to His will. I then allow Him to lead and guide me every day. Nevertheless, millions of family members when they have received trauma from within the nucleus, and they have never received any counseling through the Love connection of the Lord, then they will dole out their stresses upon you. Please hear this. On many occasions, some of us based upon our daily words and actions really do need a beat down. However, love is the force that keeps hurt from reacting in a belligerent way.

Thou art snared by the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. {Proverbs 6:2}

In other words, if we do not learn how to control our words, we can hurt others and, in some cases, cause a weaker individual to kill themselves. Even when it comes to the Lord, billions of people tell the Lord, “If you help me get out of this or save my wife /children or whatever.” Yet, after they have received the blessing, suddenly amnesia strikes their mind. Meaning to say, willingly you can’t emember what you promised the Lord. If you won’t remember Him, what chance could anyone in your family have when it comes to you saying you are sorry for all the messes you have made in their lives. The females in the family who never received guidance will not become lights of honor; yet they shall be morphed into another generation of females who allow themselves to be called bitches and hoes. Since the government has joined forces with many mothers in the form of keeping the father out of the picture, little girls are robbed of their protection that a real father provides as well as guiding her in the direction of becoming a little girl into a lady of honor. As long as this sickness firmly has its place imbedded into such a lost soul’s life, why would you be so surprised to see them on social media half naked? Listen, as a mother do you really believe its ok to put tight revealing clothes on your female children, and then send them out into this sick world? How in the name of decency can you in all honesty allow your child to grow up believing that it’s a good thing to put labels on your body or clothing and become a human walking sign. Think about this message for one moment. Please LOOK at this label: “Only the best can ride this?” Or something that says, “Lick her License needed for this caboose,” “Two ways to get in.” Now ready yourself for this one. “This pussy cat is not free.” For the little children, when you put symbols and labels in the sight of your little babies, they will grow up with the belief that this is ok. If you do let this mess go on in your home, well then, you can look forward to some of the females in the family being raped,

EXCEPT the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman walketh but in vain. {Psalm 127:1}

What that means to you and me as parents is this: If we do not bring our children up in the adoration of the Lord, then you will be rearing another generation of little baby demons who shall one day grow into bigger demons. And in that realm, they will be tricked and become tricksters by the hands of other cunning lost souls.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lust, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. {2 Timothy 3:6-7}

As I have said earlier, if God’s Spirit is not leading you, how then can you lead your children? So then, it should be clear that everything starts at the beginning and flows forward; but when it flows backwards, then the devil is the Leader inside of you - the parent or caregiver. Listen, family is all we have in this world and not only that, but God is the one who put the family together as He made it very clear, that we are to love one another. So, if you really want to help a lost or wounded family member, Love the hell out of them. And remember this:

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not this knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

{I Corinthians 15:33- 34}

Once more, unless you are saved, you cannot help hurting lost people, and for me to even have to tell you this is shameful for you the ones who are willingly disobedient to the Lord’s will. We are not dogs or cats who can consider the right path to take. This means, we can do better if we just will it to be so, but we must first have power to do so. Apart from the Lord we can do nothing.

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abides not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. {John 15: 5-7}

The Lord is telling us what we need to do. So, in the Spiritual realm and now in the natural realm, we must be willing to do all we can to help our own families when they are in trouble and even before the problems start. Again, in God we have the ability to have a prayer life which can deliver others out of the hands of sickness and death. The Bible tells us:

Is any of you are afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? Let him call for the Elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to the other, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. {James 5:13-16}

I am a real preacher who has power given to me by the Lord. Hear me I cannot turn it on or turn it off. I am led by the Spirit to pray for whomever the Spirit brings before me. As older family members, we must help all who are in need of support. “I don’t have the time” should never come out of your mouth, because we make time for anything we really want to do. Actually, this is one reaction to a cry for help, “I don’t have time to deal with someone else’s problems.” This translates into, “I don’t have any compassion for others. I just simply want to be left alone. It’s not my problem that you are in jail.” Again, compassion is afforded in all situations. We can at least investigate before we just say, “No, I can’t help you.” Listen, I have had members of my family and other women who have contacted me and told me that they had cancer. I then prayed and told them, they will not cut off your breast you may have to take treatments, but you will live and be set free from that thing. Others were told you don’t have any cancer, so go back to the doctor and tell him thank you for what you told me, but I am healed. I would like you to retest me so that you can see what the Lord has done. Listen, I am a real preacher and I do have power from the Lord to deliver His people out of anything they get themselves into. Some of my family members don’t know this side of me because they are blinded to this fact. Know this: I can’t turn it on, because I myself have no power. When the Lord brings people before me in person, or in my sleep, I simply pray, and they receive the deliverance. I do this without saying they don’t deserve any prayer. Again, it’s not me I’m just the vessel. Now after I pray, and the person doesn’t receive relief it’s the will of the Father that must be done. Not everyone will receive healing and life. Understand this: Many times, I know what is wrong with the person before they contact me because the Lord allows me to see who it is that has the sickness and sometimes, he doesn’t. Once more it is the prayer of faith that starts the chain reaction, but if you don’t call for the Elders of the church, you can’t receive the blessings from the Lord.

BRETHREN, If a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are Spiritual, restore such an one in the Spirit of meekness; considering thyself, less thou also be tempted. {Galatians 6:1}

In other words, be considerate of others and what they are going through in the natural. Even if you don’t have God’s backing, you still have the ability to be a good Samaritan in the family. If God loved us so much that He willingly gave His son to die for us, we too ought to be willing to do the same for our own family. Ok, so let’s talk about the current dilemma. God is the head of the world. Meaning to say, all souls belong to God, but the souls that keep sinning without repentance, cause the wrath of God to fall on them. Meaning to say, such people have willingly turned their back on God, and this my friends places folk in the middle of the sea without any hope of help. Yes, God loves us. Yes, He will never leave or forsake us! The word “us” is referring to the born-again children, not the disobedient followers of the devil. Billions of people have convinced themselves that they are saved, but the fact of the matter is they are not. Listen the Bible speaks about Plagues that came upon the earth. Some people made it, while others did not. You must understand why this pestilence comes upon the people. One reason is because God needs to give us a wakeup call. This awakening was mainly aimed at Pharaoh, but it is one for us today. God said He will have mercy on whom He will, and He will harden who He wants. Metaphorically speaking, this virus is a form of parting the Red Sea. Once more, the Father is delivering His people out of the hands of this new epidemic. Yet at the same time giving the world a wakeup call, because they have turned their back on him. Listen, once again, we are all the children of God, but when we reject Him and allow this world to overtake His will and regulations, at some point He has to say, “Ok, this is enough, I’m going to have to show them all who is in charge.” So now here is the Corona Virus. Now, suddenly people have fear in their hearts. Instead of praying to The Lord, they are having panic attacks and running for toilet paper. The word says:

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct you path. {Proverbs 3:6}

Fear took over while placing God on the back burner. So many are putting the blame on the government. While others walk around willfully disregarding the rules that are put in place to save lives. So, I ask you who is the bad guy in this situation. If health care people are placing their lives on the line to save other people’s lives, why are other people who are in the family blatantly being negligent by walking around like nothing is going on. Is this not a sign that such folk are being led by the devil? Such people are clearly no part of the family of God, but rather they are with the father of lies-Satan. We will get through this newest crisis, but that will only be when the Father says, “it’s enough.”

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If any abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered: and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you. {John 15:5-7}

Please allow me to say this. I have been laid off since 11/30/19. So now here comes the pandemic, and my cash flow has been depleted with no help in site. But the Lord, He is sustaining me… Why? Because I'm hooked into the vine.

This is only one promise--we will make it out of this current dilemma. Please put your Faith in the Lord from this day forth...

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