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 Your own shadow may be the only thing you can see as you follow God's will.

 Enter ye in at  the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to distrution, and many there be which go in thereat. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it {Matthew 7:13,14}.

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Seeking solitude in self-absorption

Model: Breeyell Payne

Will lead you to the realm of

“It’s my life and I'll live it as I see fit Syndrome!!!”

Trying everything to find satisfaction instead of trying to get to know who you are will lead you down the dark path of dizziness. When you don’t know who you are, you will seek out the answer that you think you want. However, the information you will be led into will be false references supplied by the devil’s subsequent movement within your weak mind. Social media has become a world of miss direction and a pool of confusion. In other words, if your mind is not conditioned to receive certain information, you won’t be able to handle that news. Example: some people upon hearing that a love one was killed will then take their own life, because they have come to the conclusion that they can no longer live without that person in their life. Others have chosen to kill the boyfriend who cheated on them.

Jesus told his disciples that he had many things to tell them, but they were not ready to receive what he had to present to them. This tells us that their minds were not ready to deal with divine truth. Listen, when all you have is your body and looks to offer a man, you have become a slave to the devil's will. Yet, the sad part of this situation is that you don’t even know it. Our bodies are not to be used as sex objects but rather as vessels of honor; we are not objects of pleasure. But apart from the Lord's protection, you will attract what you have become towards you. Never forget not even for a moment that a predator knows how to seek out the weak and then make his move. Negligence has been at work in the lives of billions of people, and this is but one way the devil captures people who will not follow the word of the Lord. OK, let me put it to you this way. Mothers and fathers are the first teachers in the life of a child. So, whatever or whom ever you are that child will be exposed to your words and actions on a daily basis. Are you getting what I’m saying? Listen, if your mother or father never knew who they were, and they were positioned by the world's direction, then it’s very likely that you will follow in that same path. When dealing with the truth, anyone who is genuinely seeking out truth will try everything under the sun to find satisfaction; in this realm unsupported by the salvation plan, you will be led down the dark path of dizziness, where confusion lives and breeds. When you don’t know who you are, you will seek out the answer that you think you want. However, the devil’s movement will take over your unsure mind. Ok, let's hear the word:

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. {Proverbs 14:12}.

In other words, if your mother or father was not saved, then their worldly actions and words must influence you in the direction of doing what you believe is the best for you. Now even if you are not saved, you still belong to God and His desire is that you get saved and follow His divine will, but if you choose not to take that road, well then you will be playing Russian roulette with the devil. And that means whatever happens to you from that rejection point will be because you wanted to be without God's divine protection. Once again, let’s go to the word of the Father.

Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. {Proverbs 16:3}

Ok, it’s like this: If you really want to know who you really are, give God a try; and get this, what do you have to lose? The Bible says this: In all your ways talk to God about what it is you may want to do, but when you don’t invite Him into what you are trying to achieve, well then you are spitting in His face, and that is disrespectful to say the least. It's crystal clear with this in the above scripture that the Lord is telling us that if we willfully commit all our ways to Him, He will stabilize our minds. At that point we will be able then to make uncorrupted decisions to do what is right. I must tell you this, without Jesus we can’t do anything right. The only thing we can look forward to is withering away because we are not connected to the divine vine -- Jesus the Christ of Gods.

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. {Proverbs 3:6-8}

Listen, the moment we seek refuge in the realm of the devil then that’s proof that we have not departed from evil, and therefore, we have not found refuge in the health for our navel, bones and marrow. This means that we are so weak that the devil captures lost souls at his leisure, all because we have sought solitude by way of self-absorption. Again, you can’t do everything by yourself; you will need help at some time in your life. If you don’t know it yet, well you will ascertain quickly that most people don’t have any morals which means they will only seek to use you rather than do what the word says, which is help your brothers and sisters who are in need. However, apart from the Lord, you will never know who is of the Lord and who is of the devil, because the only way to obtain that information is to be saved and walking in the newness of Christ.

Listen, seeking solitude in self-absorption is what people who have been duped by Satan must do because they have been bamboozled by his bag of illusions. Too often it’s the females who are affected the most, because they are emotional creatures that Love deeply even when it is obvious that they are being hurt. The devil has convinced them that they must stay in that dysfunctional situation, because that’s the best they can do. And the other insane thing that he blinds them with, is the belief that a woman has the power to change a man. That is one of the biggest lies of the devil. Only God can convert a man’s heart and mind. Otherwise, you will be lost in the realm of illusion through self-absorption. This is what the dictionary says about self-absorption: They don’t see the big picture. A self-absorbed person thinks the world is just about them. Thus, the world, from their point of view, is a place comprising of them and perhaps a few persons around them who they can control. How the world affects other people really doesn’t concern them.

If you are one of these people, you will never listen to the word of God, nor will you allow yourself to be convinced that you are a saved person, when in fact you are not. Listen,

when we don’t want what God has to offer then the devil has taken control of your life through self-absorption.

Whenever people want to do their own thing when they know what the truth is, then they are lost in the land of self-absorption.

When no one can talk to you about your lifestyle because you become very angry, it will be because of self-absorption

When the man you love tries to lead you to the Lord, and he becomes a fool in your eyes then that is self-absorption.

When your so-called friends don't tell you the truth about yourself, it’s because they too have been trapped by the illusion of self-absorption.

The Bible is very clear, and it says we are not to think highly of ourselves, so then we ought not.

To be self-absorbed is a sin before God. It leads to pride, and arrogance, and it will make you fall into the hands of the devil every time.

Listen, Self-absorption causes one to believe that they don’t need anyone but themselves, and that is the farthest thing from the truth. We all need someone. Living alone to me is a terrible position to be in. Even the Father said it is not good for a man to be alone, so God created a helpmate for the man, but the information you will be led into will be false references supplied by the devil and his people. If I had a conclusion, it would simply be this:

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you, cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. {James 4: 7-8}

I pray that these words of wisdom have touched your heart and mind to the point that you will now seek the Lord while He may be found. Then you can be set free forever.

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