Bound By Despair
Your own action can be your own binder!!!
You own sinful actions, can be you’re your mental and physical binder!!!
In other words, what you know is what you believe, and what you believe is what you will act on in a time of trouble. “Ambassador Ray K. Payne.” Despair is a condition that too many women have now inherited from a life style of sin. This condition comes out of a direct result of any female who was saved or not saved, yet the Spirit of the Lord has graciously sent you a caution alert. But when the warning has been rejected, the female who is in the path of the devil will be caught. This avoidable situation will be brought upon such a rebellious woman, and then she shall become a hostage of the devil. What I need you to see in this article is this, without salvation as your covering, you’ll keep getting trapped by the devil. There is absolutely no way out of any of the devils holding pins without the intervention of the Lord. Listen, God made a woman and gave her a gift of emotions, with this gift she can have compassion on others, and it is at that point she can let her light so shine that all men may see her good works and then give God the glory. Unless you are walking in this light, all worldly men shall only be able to focus on the outside physical beauties of your body rather than identifying your holiness. This is just one reason why you must be covered with the blood of the Lamb. Listen, the devil is very good at what he does, so you must never think that you are not in danger, because you are. You were made to be a vessel of honor and not a trophy to be admired and then discarded once your newness wears off. However, this is where billions of females get in trouble. Emotion can be a woman’s kryptonite. Listen, one way the devil gets into the minds of females is when they were children. Meaning to say billions of them were molested when they were children; because they have kept the secret for so long they have become damaged souls; therefore such victims cannot help but to constantly seek out relief in any form, they can find. Because they could not or did not know they should seek out the help of a doctor, they walk around this world in a state of uncertainty. But some women have suppressed those emotions. yet they’re still dysfunctional. So in this cove of confusion, they can then be led to Sins like:
1. Drinking alcohol
2. Smoking cigarettes, crack, or marijuana
4. Seeking out sex with men and women as a way to feel some relief.
5. A spirit of weariness so they have no desire to go to church, but if they do, it will be to find a false relief.
6. Many women who are educated will be prompted by Satan not to rely on anything but her education. But what she doesn’t know is the fact that she will never come into the knowledge of the truth because she is living in sin and refuses to follow the word of the Lord. Listen, and please accept this bit of truth.
You must be born again, that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that WHICH Is born of the spirit is spirit. {John 3:6}
Apart from salvation, the devil will send into you a spirit of doubt to torment you all the days of your life. And if you do not seek out the Spirit of the Lord, well then, those devilish spirits will possess your body. This is but one reason why so many females allow themselves to be called bitches and hoes. Names that the Lord has never sanctioned for any of his children. Listen, we are not the children of the night, but Satan's kids are, and they take pleasure in such names. Such demonic action is clear evidence that they are not covered with the blood of the Lamb. They are without a doubt replete with lustful aspirations all the time. At this point I would like to bring something to your eyes. It is part of Cooley and Mead's theory on the self and the roles we play, and this is some of what they have discovered through their research.
“The nature of social life is such that we have to present different aspects of ourselves in different ways. We are so use to presenting ourselves in particular situations that we are usually not even aware we are doing it. So this behavior becomes an everyday routine. It's only when we realize that we are being scrutinized by others, do we become conscious of what we are doing and saying. The self that we present to others is closely linked to the role you happen to be playing at the time. We can observe the reactions of others to our own behavior. If the image that we see or imagine in the social mirror is favorable, our self-concept is enhanced, and our behavior is likely to be repeated. However, if the image is unfavorable, our self-concept is enhanced, and our behavior is likely to change.” (end of the theory).
Listen, it has been reported on many occasions that young girls are having sex and performing oral sex on the boys in the school’s bathrooms. They do this because they want to be liked, and some just want to fit in with the popular group. This is a clear sign that such a female has low or no self-esteem. The uncorrected action such as these will place that child in the hands of, "I’ll do what makes me feel good", and even though I don’t want to have sex; I must do it because I'll be alone. Trust me; girls don’t like being alone; they want to be wanted and loved. So, this is one avenue that they devil will strike at. One point you need to know is this, sex is a door way for the Spirits of the devil to get into your child’s body. Meaning to say, whatever is in that boy will get into that girl, and unknown to the female her situation has now worsened. In other words, she will be led into other things when she graduates High School, if she makes it without dropping out. Ok, let me put it to you in this way: Billions of young females believe that it's ok to become dancers in the devil’s dens called strip clubs, but the truth is that any female who chooses that avenue is headed for a fall and possible death by some demon in the men they are dancing for. Yes, it is fast money, but the price is too steep. Yes, the addiction makes them feel as if they are important. So now, they wear those compliments as a badge of honor. Therefore, they now have a bolder focus on dancing and the good feeling they receive from it, so that they have become blinded from receiving any truth concerning their deadly actions in this realm. Now that there senses have been seared with a hot iron, they have cut off their emotions. But the day they get caught by sex traders, they then want help. I’m only speaking truth. I am not trying to put you down in anyway, but I am trying to get you to see that what you are doing away from the Lord's covering is a deadly action you have taken.
Listen, the devil can cause you to really believe that nothing bad can happen to you. He will even allow you to believe that just because your mother or grandmother is in the church, they will pray the devil off of you. Sorry, but that’s another lie from the devil. Ok, let’s see what the word has to say:
I BESEECH you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be ye not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. {Romans 12: 1,2}.
If I had a conclusion to this section, it would be this: If you won't willingly give yourself over to the Lord, the devil will take you over, and you will be his slave for the rest of your natural life, and you will never be able to reach the Father for help because you have rejected his son. Now, please understand I am not talking about women who are seeking the will of the Lord, but I am talking about all the pretenders. Listen, the Bible says that foolish women are led away by diverse lust and temptation, and she will always be able to be educated but she will never come to know the truth of salvation because she is lost in the land of the devil. This is all because she would not accept the divine invitation of the Lord to be saved. This condition is relevant in the lifestyle of any woman who has willfully chosen to live in the realm of sin. Listen, with the Lord there is always protection from the devil. It’s a person’s daily actions that keeps them out of the blessing of the Lord. So, remember this, according to the above theory if you like what you see you will follow that direction.
For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. {Romans 8:5-7}
This is not how the Lord wants any woman to live her life. If you love the Lord, then get saved and then walk in your newness. Is it easy, in no way will I suggest that to you that it is, because it’s not. But the peace that you can receive will keep you calm.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your way acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. {Proverbs 3:5-6}
This article is designed to open the eyes of my lost sisters so that you can really see who and what you have become apart from the Lord's plan for you. For you my broken sisters, what this means for you is this, if you like what is being said or done to you, it can overcome you. Then you will act out of an alter ego. I have met women who are turned on by a man singing or playing an instrument. To me that is not normal to say the least. One reason is because that is a sign that such a female is being led by her own fantasy. In addition, that action conveys the message that I am not in control of my emotions. As you have read, wanting to be like or feel an emotion that brings you pleasure will overwhelm you and give you false hope in a direction that can never be yours. The Bible says this:
First bind the strong man, and then you can spoil the house. {Matthew 12:29}
Meaning, if you allow the devil to take over your thoughts, then he will do whatever he wants with your mind and your body. Listen, when we look at TV and all we see is sex and touching along with words that convey I love you, and that is good in our eyes then we shall began to believe that we can have what we see, but that is not reality. I have read a story, and this is what it said. A woman wanted a baby so bad that she began to show signs that she was pregnant. Her feet were swollen and she was gaining weight, and she was totally convinced that she was having a baby. Even after going to the doctor and being told that she was not, in fact, going to have a baby. Nevertheless, she continued believing, and after the nine months were up, she still would not accept that she is not having a baby. Are you getting this? God said people would rather believe a lie rather than accept the truth. And this is how it is with billions of females on this earth. They believe that they can have any man they want, and some think that just because they have a slamming body that they will be the pick of the elect. But the fact is, men who are not saved are only let by the spirit of lust, and you know where that leads to. Just another silly woman about to have an unwed child.
Listen, Even though I am a real man of God, I too have been approached many times by women; and they have boldly told me, “I wanna sleep with you and I know just what you need.” In their simple minds it makes them feel like they are someone exclusive. This action gives them a reason to keep on living. Unbeknown to them, they have never had a real encounter with love. So they only seek out fantasies, which appear to offer satisfaction. Billions of females are attached to a man with a big or fancy car. In many cases, that is all they see and it brings them gratification. Trust me when I tell you, millions of young girls love this realm of illusion. This is but one reason why your mind must be converted to the ways of the Lord. If you have any children, they will be guided through your actions and words.
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If any abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered: and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you. {John 15:5-7}
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord JE-HO-VAH is everlasting strength. {Isaiah 26:3-4}
The moment anyone willfully places themselves in the hands of the devil, they will be bound by their own brokenness. Apart from salvation, we are just prisoners in the chambers of the enemy. We can do nothing apart from the Lord. Again, rejection of the Lord's will for your life places you directly in a mental and physical binder!!! Please call on the name of the Lord before it’s too late. And remember this!!! You are not a bitch or a hoe. You are a vessel of Honor and a blessing from the Father through the Lord's death on the cross. You are a good thing and when a real saved man finds you he will receive favor with the Lord.
I pray that these words of truth have blessed you. If you find yourself in the hands of the evil one, please give us a call or email us with your prayer request.