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 Your own shadow may be the only thing you can see as you follow God's will.

 Enter ye in at  the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to distrution, and many there be which go in thereat. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it {Matthew 7:13,14}.

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The Deadliest Killer in The World -- SIN

The Angel of Death

Throughout my lifetime I have heard about many animals that can kill like the Fierce Snake or Inland Taipan, Australian Brown Snake, Saw Scaled Viper, Coastal Taipan, Papuan Taipan, but the thing about these snakes is that they can provide a fast death or a partial prolonged ending as you suffer in pain. Still, they are not the number one killer in the world. Too often people think they know how to avoid the deadly path of a killer. Yet, the truth is if you knew the facts then you would know that there is absolutely nothing you can do when death comes for you. Listen, sin is like a hurricane it can come without any time to get out of its path. In many cases, it will destroy everything including people who are in its way. So, unless you are God you cannot stop that train. What you can consider is how you will spend eternal life after you have left this sinful world. However, you need to think about that aspect before any storms show up at your door step. Listen, and you need to get this nugget of divine truth: the truth whether you want to accept it or reject it will not stop the fact that you shall be departing someday, and it does not stop at your natural death. Yes, you should really give some deep thought before time runs out on you.

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Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!!

If you do not want to read about divine truth, well this is the time to leave this page…God is about to reveal a small part of His will to you at this point and time.

Listen, and please do it with an open mind. The fact is this: anyone who is not saved (meaning to say--any person who has yet to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and willingly yield themselves to obey and follow the Holy Spirit) surely will walk in this avenue and shall wind up at the doorstep of sin. So, let’s begin there first. God so loved this world that He sent his only begotten son down into this mess of a world. The son’s job was to let His light so shine that all the people in the land would be able to see first-hand the true nature of the true and living God, and after an encounter with the Lord, people would desire to be saved as many did. Then He decided to put the words of His Bible into the vision of men who then placed all the knowledge they had received on tablets. Because of their obedience, His will is now available on paper for all who have been given a mustard seed of faith to know His will. With this discovery all men and women shall know that the Father sits on high and looks low as He beholds all things that He has made. With love in His eyes He justly views all individual actions; and when He needs to make a correction in us, he will do so at his own leisure. Ok let’s listen to the bible:


In short, God wants you and I to live a saved and holy lifestyle and serve Him in Spirit and in truth. To ensure that we His true children don’t get lost or caught in the many traps that are set out by the enemy, He has given us divine directives. However, because of His love for us, He has also provided avenues of escape if we fall into the hands of the devil. Nevertheless, and you need to get this, anyone who willingly decides not to follow the road that leads to health and maturity, well then…… Let’s go to the Bible that the father inspired:

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. {Proverbs 3:5-6}

OK, Let’s deal with this word trust. Listen, if you don’t want to be captured by Satan and abused for many years then trust me, you need to get to know the Lord, and then commit to his salvation plan. Otherwise, how can you be enabled to trust in what you don’t believe to be a fact for you? In other words:

What you believe, is what you know, and what you know is what you will act on in a time of trouble. {Ambassador Ray K. Payne}.

Let me put this another way. If you needed some money, would you willingly rob someone at gun point simply to receive what you think you are entitled to receive? Or would you find a job, or even dare to ask someone for help? Well let me let you in on this truth: Anyone who will not accept the Lord and His plan will become the child of the devil. Get this, maybe you have not heard about what I am about to tell you, but you need this information. The devil is the father of all lies and the creator of trickery and illusion. Listen, please. None of his kids have love in them so they will not hesitate to kill, steel and destroy you without warning. Jesus said in the word:

Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. {John 14:6}

In other words, if you are not saved, you cannot know any divine ruling from heaven. What you are representing is some form of God’s image. Yet, you are willingly not following the rules set up through the Lord, Christ Jesus. By not following Jesus and the plan He has laid out for us is a very clear and indisputable evidence that an individual is defiant and not going along with Him and His vision. Therefore, as you have just heard or read, no one will be able to know God unless they get to know the Lord first. We are to seek the Lord in everything we do, not some things but all things. When we fail to do this very basic thing, then what we are saying through our own actions is, “God I don’t trust Jesus, but I trust in you.” Again, this is a lie. If you do not have a relationship with the Lord, you don’t have one with the Father. So many people say, “I know the man upstairs, and me and Him have an understanding.” Listen, that’s like going to the bank and saying I want to withdraw $500.00 from my account, but the truth is you don’t have an account. Again, this is a clear-cut case of someone led by some sort of deception. In other words, such folk are blinded by the devil through delusions of false hope. In the book of John, it says this:

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If any abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered: and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you. {John 15:5-7}

I hope you can see here, that if you are not connected to the vine, you are a false weight: which means you will be cast off the vine and wither away and die. Sin cannot dwell inside of you when you are definitely connected to the vine because you are being nourished by way of your abiding.

Listen, catch these words: With all of your heart. When I was not saved, I would pray for help in many forms. No help came my way at all. You need to know this: my parents were not saved. Therefore, I was not covered under the blood of the lamb. As a direct result of this, I was mentally, physically and sexually abused for many years, and finally I was sold for fifty dollars. Yes, you read it right. I was sold for fifty dollars. My truth (before the Lord took me in) was that fact that I was a bastard child. Until this very day, I don’t know who my father is, and my mother has left this world. However, I met some saved people, and they began to intercede on my behalf. That was the day I started to see help was available to me. Even as a child I would see people helping me even though they did not know me. I knew something was stopping other people from hurting me. Again, all this was very noticeable to me after I had an encounter with redeemed people. They did not know me, yet they prayed. The word says this also, when the opportunity presents itself do good for someone who is in need, help them. Now when it comes to helping a saved person, you should always be willing to go the extra mile on their behalf. Trust me that is what the person who prayed for me did. Ok, let’s read the word again:

Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshiper of God, and doeth his will, him will he heareth. {John 9:31}

It was with all my heart that I chose to believe, and the essence of my new truth was I was converted. My conclusion for this word TRUST is this:

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord JE-HO-VAH is everlasting strength. {Isaiah 26:3-4}

Listen, sin is a separator and God cannot look upon it. So, when we stink with the stench of sin, He won’t even look in our direction. So, let’s dig a little into sin. What is sin? Sin is transgression or disobedience to God’s laws.

Whosoever commiteth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither know him {1 John 3:4-6}.

Listen, when anyone can say and do whatever they feel is best for themselves, then they have boldly kicked God out of their lives. Frankly, they don’t even care about how He may feel, because to them He is not real. Yet, they would dare to call on His name when they are in trouble. Listen, I have worked in hospitals for 20 years, and I’ll tell you this, I have never heard any patient say, “Oh devil help me.” However, what I have heard over and over was, “Oh God, please help me.” As you have read, God won’t even look their way, because such folk are willful sinners. God made it very clear you cannot serve two masters, you will either love one and hate the other. Billions of people on a daily basis neglect the word of God, without any remorse. This sick planet, along with many of its leaders, declare it’s OK to do your own thing just as long as you don’t hurt anyone. However, the fact that is not being given light to is that whatever anyone does can affect others by their negative actions. Thus, this is called sin. God created life and made the way to build and develop all kinds of things, and now that people have a variety of distractions, God is viewed as another piece in the life puzzle. All they do is disrespect Him and His son. Listen, the United States of America was founded on the Biblical truth. The Bibles were the only way to show the world how we trust in God, and that is one reason why His name is on our currency. Let me share with you what President John Adams said, “The church is the moral compass of society.” In order to remain a true and faithful compass, the church must remain separated and independent of the influences of that society, particularly its civil government. It must be a “free church.” Should the church become subordinate or in any way controlled or co-opted by the civil government (a state church system), it can no longer effectively serve as that society’s moral compass. Unless it is respected, no one will listen to what it has to say.

However, in this time frame, sin is so rampant in the lives of many who serve on our behalf of the government. It’s clear they have no morals. Because of this fact, prayer was taken out of the schools. Now you see confusion having its way all over the world. Now they are talking about taking the words "In God we trust" off the money. This world is vastly replete with open shameful sinners, and it’s being promoted through the media. If you don’t want to believe me, well then look at the TV or the internet. Women are filled with the spirit of lust, and demons craving strange flesh. They willfully put their naked bodies online, thinking that a so-called good man will find them, and then marry and care for them exclusively. Now if that is not sick thinking, well I just don’t know what to say to you. How is it OK to place photos of a woman on Facebook in an indecent pose, and then they try to defend what they posted by making comments like, “it’s my body and I’ll do as I please.” Well I have some bad news for anyone who has fallen to this devilish lie. Once more the word:

What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; Therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your Spirit, which are God’s. {Corinthians 6:19-20}

If you are saved and trusting in the Lord, then you would definitely know that putting yourself out in the world like that shows you are a harlot. Again, if you had a connection with the Lord then you would know the meaning of this scriptures where it says:

I BESEECH you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be ye not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. {Romans 12: 1-2}

Listen, this scripture is talking to saved people. OK, now get this. Any man or woman who will not be transformed by the renewing of their mind must become the devil’s people, those who can never be satisfied because they have a voracious appetite for multiple pleasures available freely from this world. So, any persons who will not willfully change, well then you will not present your body willingly to the Father, and you can never know God’s true will for your life. So, at some point He will turn you over to a re probated state of mind. In this location you will be free to carry out all your desires. Sin blocks all avenues that lead to God’s deliverance. OK, here is what the Bible says about this matter:

BEHOLD, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. {Isaiah 59:1-2}

Many people get mad at God because they think He won’t help them, but the fact is that He is always seeking to deliver us. Once more I am compelled to reiterate once more, He cannot look upon sin otherwise He will have to destroy it. Maybe you don’t know this, but God turned His back on His son because he was drenched with the sins of this world. If the father did that to His only begotten son, who do you think you are. By one-man sin came into this world and by one-man sin was taken away, by the man, Christ Jesus the son of God. With All this sinning going on, how can we expect to receive any blessings from the Lord?

God’s moral law is written in the heart of every human being, that is those who allow it into them. Otherwise, temptation is introduced into the broken vessel, and your conscience immediately senses danger but cannot defend itself. Your conscience no longer has direction to find the overcoming outlet that is always provided by the Lord. At this juncture, right and wrong is no longer in your mind. This means you no longer have a guiding divine source that can lead you to all God’s truth. Listen, I’m not talking to you as someone who was an angel. No, I was a piece of work, and there was no way I thought I would be alive, nor could I have imagined I would be saved and walking in the truth; but it is so. Did I make mistakes along the way? Oh yes, I did, but I just kept walking in the fact that the Lord shall do for me what I cannot do for myself. I tried Him, and He has never left me. Maybe you don’t know this, but I came from the streets. Out there we had a code which was I don’t believe anything unless I see and hear it. If I could make that commitment to the devil, why couldn’t I give God a try. Sin, sin, sin, it’s the deadliest killer on this planet and it never ends its works day and night. Again, the word expresses clearly to all who have ears to hear it that the devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The word also tells us that he captures sinners at his leisure.

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. {Romans 6:23}

I can’t pontificate this enough; sin won’t allow you to know. I’m talking to my sisters now. God made you a precious jewel, not a lustful tool to be used and abused and then discarded. If you are caught by them, I must inform you that for the rest of your natural life you will be filled with the spirit of bitterness, resentment, and confusion. You will always be looking for help that will never come. Again, please understand I am not talking about growing pains but rather sinning as a way of life with a willing mind to disrespect the Lord. As a woman, can’t you see how many bastard children are being born without a father. The next insult is that those who want the children won’t be allowed to see the kids because he doesn’t want you. So, as the sin grows within you, along with hatred, you are now taking the father to the court house which is a place that is not conducive in any way to the father. Again, this is another sin sign that you are using children as a tool to obtain what you desire, and not what is best for them. Now don’t get it twisted, if you have a baby’s father that will not do what is right for the child then take him to the man; but if he is willing to do right by his child, well then you just need to take your feelings out of the equation and be a woman and move on because at that point it is not about you, but it’s about this child having a loving father. So, dump the pugnacious spit that is dwelling inside of you and don’t look back, because there is danger in looking back after you have been given a way out. OK, here comes the same words again. Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. Let me interject this one more time. If you are constantly rejecting God’s son, then you do not know Him because Christians do not sin as a constant way of life. If we do happen to sin this is what we are instructed to do.

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and this word is not in us. {1 John :8-10}

If I had a conclusion, it might go like this: Sin is the number one deadliest killer on this earth. Not only will sin bring about death, but also it sends all transgressors down to the pit of hell where the inhabitants shall burn forever and ever. No sin is hidden from the eye of God. There is no sound reason why people should not get saved, but because the devil is the prince and the power of the air and lost and unconverted souls shall get caught up in the tornado's of the devil, and they will not find rest for their weary souls because such disconnected people have chosen the Broadway that leads to destruction. I cannot say this enough. I am not talking about people who make mistakes as they are growing, but I am telling you about people who say they love the Lord but live a hidden life. Please never forget this: Sin can be very subtle. It’s like carbon monoxide. You can’t smell it, but it will kill you. This is but one of the ways sin gets into the unsaved persons vessel. So, our only protection is to be born-again and then be filled with the Holy Spirit of the Lord. Otherwise, we are all doomed to hell. So the bibles tell us all

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scriptures said, WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ON HIM SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED.

{Roman's 10:9-11}.

Don't allow the deadest killer in the world find you unprotected. Ask The Lord to come into your life so that you will be sent free.

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