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 Your own shadow may be the only thing you can see as you follow God's will.

 Enter ye in at  the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to distrution, and many there be which go in thereat. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it {Matthew 7:13,14}.

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Excerpt of my book Am I A Baby?

Most people think of themselves as knowing what is best for their lives. Some even think that just because they have a degree, their understanding is better than all others. This kind of thinking causes them to believe that they can be the head of anything and all others are beneath them. But here’s what the Word says regarding such thinking:

Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. {2 Corinthians 5:17}

In other words, you have just come into a new Spiritual realm of God, so you are a new baby; God's newest birth, and you will live a long and prosperous life in Him. You now have a new life based on the death of Christ. When you are new this means that you are ignorant. You do not understand anything about your newness; however, there are people who will think that now that Christ is in my life, and I have a degree I can do a lot for the kingdom that others cannot do. My friend, this is nothing but zeal. Zeal is a strong surge of new found power that has not yet been contained; if left uncontrolled it will kill you spiritually. Example: most people when they first accept Christ want to save the world in one week. They want all their friends and family to know that Jesus is real in their life, and he is now using them as a light to draw others too. As a new convert, I want you to know this: you cannot be a light (witness) for the Lord, until you have received the power. Let's read:

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: And ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem; and in all Judea, and the uttermost parts of the earth. {Acts 1:8}

Please understand, you will become a light in time, please slowdown if you are in this spot. Let's read the Word again.

Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel (you the unbeliever) is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. {Romans 10:1,2}

I know many people really think they are doing work for the Lord, but zeal is what they are being led by. No one can know the will of the Father until they have gone through his training course. Meaning, there is no way unless we have been equipped can anyone represent the Father without knowing the Word and allowing it to first work in us. As a result of this new-found power, you will feel so good and want to do a lot for the Lord, but that's zeal. Again, the Word of the Lord:

For all flesh is like grass, and all the glory of man is like the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth forever. {1 Peter 1:24,25}

Until you know the Word of the Lord God and let it have first place in your life, you can't help but walk after the flesh; and to say the least that action is nothing more than your own will being done.

A Wonderful Experience

Being a new babe in Christ is a new and wonderful experience; therefore, you should not be rushed by any one. You must be allowed to bask in the newness of the Lords liberation. God wants you to feel the full effects of his divine love that he has for you. Then you will begin to desire a need to drink the pure milk he has to offer you. Let's read:

As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. {1 Peter 2:2,3}

As a real newborn in Christ you will want to keep on drinking His Word, and you will discover that you cannot live without it. God's plan is for you to grow, and be able to stand against the enemy, Satan. The milk that you drink will insure you that your power will come.

But as many as received Him: To them gave he power to become sons of the God, even to them that believeth on his name. {John 1:12}

God has much planned for your new life stay in his presence so that you shall grow, in his power. Are you a baby? Yes, you are if you have given your life to the Lord, Jesus. You’ve become a new person (spiritually). That old person (personality) is changed. You have a new nature in the sense of renovation (Repaired). You also have a:

* New nature

* New values

* New motives

*A new family

But understand this: the old man is always on the look out to find his way back into your new life. Through corruptible deeds, such as lying, cheating and any filthiness he can find to seduce you is some of the ways the deceiver shall come. Nevertheless, you can put a stop to his mess by letting God have first place in your life.

Submit yourselves therefor to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleans your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye doubled minded {James 4:7-8}.

You now possess the power, but if you don't maintain your power that old man will find a crack in your life and slip back into control. When the evil spirit has gone out of a man and comes back, he wants to take over it again. So, he then gets seven more demons and the shape of that man is worse than before. Please don't let the devil back in.

The Works of the Flesh


1. Adultery

2. Fornication

3. Uncleanness

4. Lasciviousness

5. Idolatry

6. Witchcraft

7. Hatred

8. Variance

9. Emulations

10. Wrath

11. Strife

12. Seditions

13. Heresies

14. Envying

15. Murders

16. Drunkenness

17. Reveling

If you find any one of these signs in your new life you are in deep trouble and you need deliverance now. To keep this devil off your back, follow the Word.

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P. O. Box 1586 Tucker GA 30085 Copyright 1995(C) by Ray K. Payne All rights reserved.

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