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 Your own shadow may be the only thing you can see as you follow God's will.

 Enter ye in at  the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to distrution, and many there be which go in thereat. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it {Matthew 7:13,14}.

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Are you an empty Vessel?

Here are some of the words that come out of the mouths of foolish woman.

I need a man who can satisfy me.

He didn't mean to hit me.

He would never touch my kids he loves them.

I keep my man happy in bed so he don't want no one else But me.

RED FLAG... RED FLAG..... Red FLAGS.....

Are you an empty Vessel? Listen, I want to let you in on something which is very vital to your survival. Where there is no hope there is no stability. Therefore, all lost souls will always be victimized by this world's predator. It is but just one reason that such people in this quandary really needs protection. The earthly policy is definitely not enough to ward off the devil and his devices. You need to understand something!

Ephesians 2:2. Wherein in time past ye walked according to the cores of this world, according to the prince and the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.

In other words, the devil is the prince and the power of the air which means he can do whatever he wants with all souls, who have run away from the Lord's care. My pastor used to say, "The devil can't shoot a button off your lapel unless he had a permit from God." With this being a fact, I want to use loving words to try and help all the broken women that I can reach. Listen, millions of females are being abused and this is a direct result of them willfully leaving the care of the Lord to do their own thing. I am talking about such females who are so into what they believe is best for their own life that they allow themselves to be called bitches and hoes. Words like this do not come from the house of the Lord, nor should they ever come out of the mouth of any of his converted people. You must come into the knowledge of who you really are, and you will never know this information unless God tells you about who you really are. And that will only occur when you have had a divine connection with the true and living God. Not knowing who you are in Christ Jesus is like living in an empty house. Without God there is not movement within you. You are totally empty within yourself. Therefore, loneliness, and despair shall set up shop in your body and they will bring depression with them. In this state men will tell you "I love you." and because you have lost your way you will believe his every word. Listen, the word love has been abused so much that it means nothing. It’s one of the most abused words used like a man desiring to enter into your vessel yet he is not your God sent husband. Too often many females put themselves and their children on the back burner, all in the name of love. Many females will allow such men to treat them like a dog that lives on the street. Nevertheless, because of her brokenness she will love him no matter what he says or does. Such females are not suffering from low self-esteem, but rather they have been overcome with a massive dose of No self-esteem. If you consider yourself a real woman, let me ask you this?

* If I call you out of your name is this love?

* If I beat the hell out of you using every excuse in the book as to why I beat you. Is this love?

* If a man molest your child and or kill them, is that love?

* If a man takes your money and you can't even feed your kids, is this love?* If a man causes you

to become mentally ill, is that love?

* If a man sits home in your house and refuses to get a job, yet continues to eat you out of house and home, is that love?

* He is a diamond in the ruff and I can make him into a man, and he allows you to try. Is that love?

* If your man drives your car and won't put gas in it nor will he contribute to it's up keep, is this love?

Please allow me to answer the questions for you. The answer is without a doubt No... Listen, the devil can trick you into believing that you have the power to change the lifestyle of one of his boys. Trust me on this, you don't have any power over your own self, so why would you think you have positive influence over an unsaved person? It hurts me to see so many young girls and women showing themselves on the internet as if they are movie stars. Such behavior tells the world that the devil has total control over any woman who postures these actions. But the world will say "it's your life, so live it to the fullest." OK but God said:

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?. {Matthew16: 26}.

Sisters you need to get this, so please listen... God never produces bitches and hoes, but the devil does. Nowhere in the Word of God does it say a woman is to lower herself to such a level that every stray dog will pay her a visit for a moment of pleasure. Do you mean to tell me, that you don't even know, you were created a beautiful vessel? You were made so you can glorify the Lord? If you don't know the truth or want the truth, you become a sitting duck for all kinds of abuses. I know that females want love and comfort along with security. But that is only possible through Christ Jesus. Listen, loneliness can attract whatever you desire. It’s like an unseen signal that only nasty dogs can pick up on. One after the other the devil will send such boys and men to your location and because of your unsanctioned desire those demons will enter your valley and leave you with disease, and or another unwanted child. Listen, my sisters, how many young girls and women do you know who have three to five kids and all the children have different fathers. And maybe three of the kids might have the same father. Do you really believe this is what God designed you to be like. Such females are just used and abused vessels without hope. Listen: according to the Word of God they have brought this plague upon themselves.

I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing {John 15:5}.

Sisters you really need the Lord to be the head of your life. As you have just read you can't do anything without the Lord's help. I know some of you have come to believe that there is no God. And one of your reasons may be because you were abused as a child and you did not see God in your pain. Or maybe you were raped and you called on the name of the Lord and you did not get the relief you thought you were entitled to. So now you don't believe in God. Trust me when I tell you this, God loves you. Let me share this with you. As a child I was mentally and sexually abused and finally I was sold for $50.00. And as an adult I wondered why God let me go through that terrible ordeal. And the answer I ascertained was this: He did not cause it to happen. It was brought on as a result of my parents neglect and their unwillingness to follow the Word of God. So that placed me in the domain of the devil. And in this location what you get is what you get. Since then I have received the Lord as my Savior, I am now able to move on to the next level on my journey. The bible says this: I have been young, and now I am old; yet have I not seen the rights forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

{Pslams37:25}. For the Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved forever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off {v28}.

In other words, God will never forsake you but the devil will. So the moment you take control of your own life, you then replace God with the devil as your new leadership. My sisters I know you want to be loved and you desire some man to love only you, but that is silly to say the least. I know you know that many men live the gay lifestyle which means they don't want a woman. And you need to know men today don't want a woman to marry because so many unsaved women are freely giving up the sex--so why marry!!! These are troubled times we live in now. Again, without God you are an empty vessel. Ok, please allow me to take you to the sociology department. This is Cooley and Mead’s theory on the self and the rolls we play, and this is what they found:

"The nature of social life is such that we have to present different aspects of ourselves in different ways. We are so use to presenting ourselves in particular situations that we are usually not even aware we are doing it. So this behavior becomes an everyday routine. It’s only when we realize that we are being scrutinized by others, do we become conscious of what we are doing and saying. The self that we present to others is closely linked to the role you happen to be playing at the time. We can observe the reactions of others to our own behavior. If the image that we see or imagine in the social mirror is favorable, our self-concept is enhanced and our behavior is likely to be repeated. However, if the image is unfavorable, our self-concept is enhanced and our behavior is likely to change. "

For the empty vessel this means, if you like what is being said or done to you, it can overcome you. Then you will act out of an alter ego. How many celebrities have you seen who are skinny as sticks? Since you love what they do and how they look, you have become a clone. And now some women have become bulimic all in the name of I want to look and sound like her. But what you have forgotten is the fact that God made you the way you are and you were wonderfully made. Yet you choose to believe the word of the devil. So now you want to alter your looks and body parts just to look like someone else. Your social life dictates your every action because you have forgotten who you are. The Internet has messed up the minds of millions of women. They will follow any person who they believe is someone special. Again if it looks good to you, then you will desire to be like what is constantly seen. Hence, it is favorable in your eyes. So walking around the world half naked is the norm, but when a woman is raped as a result of carrying herself like a hoe, they want to call for justice. Please don't try to twist my words around. If you do the crime then you do the time. You are not a hoe so stop dressing like one. If I am a lion and I am hungry and you look good to me, I’m going to get you. But if you have the sense to stay with the rest of the herd then it will be very hard for the lion to get a hold of you. And this is what the Word says:


Once more a woman needs a covering. Even if you don't want to believe it, God said "you need one." It's either God, the devil or the husband that the Lord sent to you as a covering; there is no other coverage available. Are you an empty vessel?

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by Ray K. Payne Copyright 2017(C) All rights reserved.

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